At Business World we take the hassle out of Company Formations.

We aim to provide a professional and user friendly service - companies formed range from Private Limited Companies, Companies Limited by Guarantee, LLPs, Special Interest Companies ( in Northern Ireland, England Scotland and Wales- we also form companies and register business names in the Republic of Ireland)

To start with we need you to provide us with a proposed name for the new entity.

We will carry out a no charge search at Companies House and confirm name availabilty.

We will then take details of the director/s and shareholder/s and proposed registered office. If you do not have a Northern Ireland address then we can provide an accomodation address for you* Remember you now only require a minimum of one director/shareholder  to get your company up and running!

These details will be lodged with Companies House along with Memorandum and Articles of Association and the Company is normally incorporated within 2/3 days. A same day registration is available at an additional cost £50.

Post- formation advice is also available if required as part of our standard service*.

* additional service provision such as registered office facility will incur additional charges- please ask our staff for further detail or see our "other services" section